NITF 2021 Annual Awards

Celebrate Achievement
Each Year NITF hosts an awards ceremony to recognize and honor our student graduates and their achievements. On this night students and their families come together to celebrate the success and dedication of pursuing educational goals. The awards ceremony is proud to host local keynote speakers each year varying from recent graduates to Ph.D graduates to inspire and encourage students to keep pursuing their education dreams. Families and guests on this night are also treated to watch ceremonial powwow dancers.
In preparation for the annual awards night, NITF hosts an annual fundraising golf tournament to raise funds for the awards ceremonies. Sponsors support goes towards awards for the graduates such as laptops, monetary awards, and more.
Samson Cree Nation students who have completed a undergraduate bachelors degree, graduate Masters degree and or a Ph.D are honored with a pendleton or star blanket and an Eagle feather. Students who have completed certificate, diplomas, trades are celebrated as well! NITF has honored students with perfect attendance, sports achievements, high academic marks, and or community involvement!
It is NITF vision to continue to encourage and support SCN members in their educational endeavors!
This night would not be possible without the our sponsors, NITF board support, awards committee, local student clubs, the students families, and most importantly the students who have dedicating themselves to making a better future. Thank you. Hai Hai.

NITF 2021 Annual Awards Videos
Our Partners
With the help of our generous sponsors we are able to honour Samson Cree Nation post-secondary and trades graduates at our annual awards ceremonies. Sponsors donations have been applied toward monetary awards for completion of studies, community and academic scholarship and more! Thank you sponsors!