About Us
What we do!
The Nipisihkopahk Iyinisiwin Trust Fund (NITF) provides education support services to Samson Cree Nation members who require assistance in pursuing their education goals.

Our Mission
Our mission is to promote and encourage Samson Cree Nation members with their educational endeavors. NITF seeks to officially recognize Samson members who have successfully completed their education and have obtained a profession or occupation that will benefit themselves and the Samson Cree Nation.

Our Objectives
a) To provide limited financial assistance through incentives, awards, and benefits to qualifying Samson Cree Nation members who attend recognized educational institutions and who graduate with the qualifications and skills required to pursue individual careers as well as contributing to the development of the human resources of the Samson Cree Nation.
b) To adopt and maintain policies and guidelines to govern SETF and to ensure that Samson Cree Nation members are aware of SETF policies and the kinds of incentives, student benefit and awards that are available to qualifying Samson Cree Nation students.
c) To ensure that Samson Cree Nation members and students recognize and understand that financial assistance is provided within the limits of budget allocations in each fiscal year and in accordance with the policies adopted by the Board of Trustees
d) To ensure that Samson Cree Nation members recognize and understand that the administrative authority for the Samson Education Trust Fund rests solely with the Samson Education Trust Fund Board of Trustees and their staff.
e) To provide advisory services to students in respect of the various educational opportunities available to them and to assist students to access financial assistance from sources other than the Samson Education Trust Fund.
f) To provide information concerning the activities of The Nipisihkopahk Iyinisiwin Trust Fundincluding financial information to the Samson Cree Nation Chief and Council and to all members of the Samson Cree Nation through publication and distribution of the Annual Report.
g) To generally promote education within the Samson Cree Nation and to encourage Samson Cree Nation members to successfully complete their educational goals.
h) To ensure that the Trust Fund is administered in a proper and prudent manner so that a solid foundation is built for the Trust to assist Samson Cree Nation members with their education endeavours now and into the future. **The Nipisihkopahk Iyinisiwin Trust Fund Board of Trustees may reduce or suspend benefits, incentives or awards under the Student Benefit Program if such steps are justified in accordance with Nipisihkopahk Iyinisiwin Trust Deed.
How we can help!
Attendance Incentives
Completion Grants
Grad Assistance
And more!
Our History
Nipisihkopahk Iyinisiwin Trust Fund was established by the Samson Cree Nation Chief and Council on June 23, 1980. The leadership at that time saw the need to invest in education for SCN and its members and set aside 1 million dollars. Since then SCN leadership continued to value the importance of education and work towards assisting and honoring SCN students with NITF. Today that trust fund has grown to $40 million. This growth has been with the assistance of past Chief and Councillors.
Board of Trustees
The Nipisihkopahk Iyinisiwin Trust Fund Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing its management and administration for the benefit of the members of the Samson Cree Nation, in accordance with the NITF mission and objectives. The Board of Trustees is also responsible for informing the growth of the programs offered to Samson Cree Nation members by distributing this annual report.

NITF Board of Trustees: Mario Swampy, Katherine Swampy, Chief Vernon Saddleback, Louise Omeasoo, and Marvin Yellowbird
Our Partners
With the help of our generous sponsors we are able to honour Samson Cree Nation post-secondary and trades graduates at our annual awards ceremonies. Sponsors donations have been applied toward monetary awards for completion of studies, community and academic scholarship and more! Thank you sponsors!